Kendra Twitty, LPC

Getting Started... Breathe and know that you can do this.
Contact me for a free 15 minute phone consultation for new clients. During this consultation we can discuss your therapeutic needs and goals, and explore the types of therapy that might be right for you.
Serving: Individuals, Children, Adolescents, and Families, who are seeking assistance and guidance in self- exploration. I specialize in the following:
Traditional Office Therapy and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) on the Farm
Foster Children and Families
Adopted Children
Relationship/Family Counseling
Parenting Counseling
Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) on the Farm
Trauma Informed Care Workshops
Trauma Informed Classrooms for teachers and administrators
Team Building Workshops and Retreats
1st Responder -Vicarious Trauma Workshops
Reconnect Workshops
Life Skills and Social Skills
Relationship building between you and your horse. Seeking true partnership? Overcoming a trauma with your horse? I am available to travel to your site to help you with what may be going on between you and your horse(s). The initial session will require a short assessment of your horse - follow-up sessions will involve ground work and mounted work as needed to establish connection, trust, and solid communication in your relationship. Initial session is 1.5 hours at $200, follow-up sessions are 1 hour at $150 (travel charge is added for more than 45 min. from Beaufort, SC). *** I am not a horse trainer - I am a therapist specializing in human-horse relationships - our work will focus on the mental/emotional aspects of working with horses, as well as cultivating clearer communication and true partnership.